Tag: 巨匠電腦教學

巨匠電腦 分享好物!高評價超強工業設計家具

朱) 巨匠電腦 分享好物!高評價超強工業設計家具
設計靈感源自經典女士手袋上的工藝細節,由瑞典設計師Mathieu Gustafsson與家具廠商Niklas Karlsson合作推出的GRAND系列系列包括“LOCK”櫥櫃與“LIGHT”衣櫥,曾在Stockholm Furniture Fair 2013上亮相。



上圖:女士手袋上使用的Ball Clasp鎖扣


文章與圖片出處: http://www.mydesy.com/grand-closet
想要學: 工業設計課程

咖哩分享不一樣的巨匠電腦評價歐: 好的巨匠電腦評價謝謝


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文章與圖片出處: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/1300078
想要學: 認證輔導課程


咖哩分享不一樣的巨匠電腦評價歐: 好的巨匠電腦評價謝謝


巨匠電腦評價大集合~: 謝謝巨匠電腦幫助我順利找到工作 …

巨匠電腦評價 巨匠電腦幫我追夢 – 痞客邦PIXNET





於 Facebook 算是目前國人使用率最高的社群網站,不管是個人帳號、粉絲團經營、商務使用等等,三不五時都會傳出病毒攻擊,帳號被盜用的事件,一旦收到 Facebook 通知有其他裝置登入帳號的提醒時,自然得多加留心。

不過,許多人除了在桌機登入 Facebook 帳號外,筆電、平板、手機等等,也都會登入,但當臉書偵測到怪異的登入行為時,就會發出提醒通知,也許在不同裝置登入的過程中,就被判定是可疑的行為。不過,使用者也可以在臉書上查詢最近的登入記錄,如果是自己在不同裝置的登入,就大可放心,如果是奇怪的登入行為,就趕緊選擇在該裝置登出,並重新設定密碼,以確保安全。甚至還可以進一步設定登入的提醒通知,或是開啟二階段驗證,讓 Facebook 的使用可以多一層防護機制。

step 1

登入 Facebook 後,點選右邊最上方的「▼」,找到「設定」選項。

step 2


step 3


step 4

此外,將滑鼠的游標放在「地點」處,就會進一步顯示登入點的 IP 位置。

step 5

為了日後的安全性,可回到步驟 2 的畫面裡,選擇「登入警告」後方的「編輯」。

step 6



文章與圖片出處: http://goo.gl/OX6AdR


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Google 與蘋果都正在研發附加智慧型手機之上的虛擬數位助理功能,期望透過這個功能能夠增加使用者的黏著性。同一時間,微軟也在Windows 10裝置中整合Cortana語音助手,亞馬遜則在Echo中提供虛擬助理Alexa。這表示預測使用者需求市場正在爆發中。

蘋果預計在2015年秋季發布的iOS 9中提供了Proactive Assistant功能,能根據用戶保存在iPhone中的訊息去預測用戶的行為。 Google 之Google Now則是整合 Google 搜索與其他雲端服務服務的數據來預測用戶行為。

基本上,兩家公司都希望透過虛擬數位助理提高用戶忠誠度,並將用戶鎖在自己的平台內,進而帶來更多獲利機會。對於蘋果來說,希望iPhone用戶可以在兩至四年內重覆購買iPhone,以增加其硬體銷售量。對於 Google 來說,希望搜尋到的大數據能夠吸引更多廣告主,進而從廣告中獲利。


即使目標相同,但是兩家公司方法還是不同。Google 於 2012 年推出的 Google Now,能夠獲得用戶搜索與瀏覽歷史,甚至蒐集來自 Gmail、Google 日曆和 YouTube 數據,以及地理位置、時間和應用使用情況等訊息,帶來有用的推薦。也就是說,Google 獲知使用者的訊息愈多,就愈能夠判斷使用者真正的需求,以達到真正數位助理的角色。

可是蘋果的方式相對保守,因為其不會蒐集客戶資訊,而是通過手機內儲存訊息進而判斷消費者所需。簡單來說,iPhone 會知道用戶使用什麼應用,何時使用這些應用,以及使用時間多長。甚至,iPhone 還能知道用戶所在位置,以及經常與誰通訊,甚至也能獲取電子郵件的內容。不過,只會利用這些內容識別來電者身份,以及創建行事曆等。

所以,Siri 難以實現類似 Google Now的一些功能。簡單來說,蘋果的方式專注於分析使用者周期性的活動。例如,搜尋到早晨何時聽音樂之後,會在你早晨插上耳機時自動播放音樂。因為蘋果不想利用搜尋蒐集消費者資訊,當然就難以達到 Google Now 的水準。

總之,使用 Google Now 必須犧牲個人隱私,且可擁有更大預測性,但Siri卻不行,就看消費者如何看待其隱私了。


文章與圖片出處: http://goo.gl/C23Fk4


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巨匠電腦好評價分享 木炭銅燈工藝展現


超厲害工業設計 巨匠電腦分享木炭銅燈
德國設計師  Ingo Schuppler純手工打造的FSC認證的木炭銅燈——Schwarzes Gold,黑酷無比,質感十足!銅質的內壁反射出材質本身的光澤與亮度,與黑炭的外壁形成鮮明對比。經典簡約的造型讓燈具更顯沉著冷靜。巨匠電腦評價好!

這段製作精良的視頻是Schwarzes Gold的製作過程,材質在設計師的手中變成藝術創作的靈感,過程很享受。

The Making of “Schwarzes Gold” from ingo schuppler on Vimeo.



One material, one form – one story.

To me, a product should not attract attention through overloaded design. Instead, it’s about the thought – the idea – coupled with intelligent design, which helps bring the product into existence. The product’s final design should be about elaborating things more deeply and understanding the world around us better. In short, it’s about designing a better future.

An example of this is the product development of “Schwarzes Gold:”

“Schwarzes Gold” does not begin with its material nor end with its form. The lamp wants to bring light into the darkness by making people think. Its story is about responsibility, conviction, and sustainable design.

Today lamps with energy-saving light bulbs are titled as “eco-friendly.” For granted, saving energy is a fundamental principle for sustainable design, but it is only a fraction of the whole. In a time characterized by vanishing natural resources, climate change, and toxic waste, the eco-friendliness of a lamp depends on more than just its light bulb. The materials used, the production process, the packaging, and its disposal must be considered.

As a designer of the future, it is my responsibility to pay attention to all of these aspects. This is why “Schwarzes Gold” transforms words into action and calls for shifting to whole-system thinking within the industry, economy, and consumers.

Material & Production:
During the material selection for “Schwarzes Gold,” much consideration was given to the materials’ simplicity and their compatibility with nature. The black lampshade is made ​​out of 100% natural materials. The binding agent consisting of flour and water is mixed with FSC-certified charcoal.

Next, the liquid substance is poured into the form and baked for a few hours at low temperature, which keeps the ecological footprint of “Schwarzes Gold” low. During the baking process, the copper form is baked into the black charcoal mix, which creates a solid bond between the two elements. After the baking process, the now firm and non-staining material is removed from its mold by hand. The pressed copper sheet serves as a reflector for the energy-efficient LED-bulb and gives the light an inviting warm reflection.

Even though the burning of coal emits climate-warming and polluting greenhouse gases, to this day, this fossil fuel is still currently Germany’s number one energy source. Given this problematic issue, the used charcoal is not burned, but its application was deliberately not foregone . The lamp’s thought-provoking deep black coal material wants to remind customers that they also carry a responsibility.

When looking at “Schwarzes Gold,” consumers are reminded to also think about where their electricity is actually coming from, since this is another vital part of a lamp. When “Schwarzes Gold” reaches the end of its life span, the charcoal material can easily be dissolved in water. Thus, the 100% biodegradable organic material is given back to nature and the rest can be recycled separately.

The modern yet timeless design of “Schwarzes Gold” reflects my philosophy of sustainable design. For timeless design obtains long-term consumer acceptance, which minimizes future market assimilations as well as associated development and resource expenditures.

Even “Schwarzes Gold’s” final form promotes sustainable practices in industry and society. Its black coal lampshade and the vaulted bell-shaped lamp complement one another; and together they symbolize the challenges of our time to create a sustainable society.

“Schwarzes Gold” rings in an era of rethinking and change.


文章與圖片出處: http://www.mydesy.com/schwarzes-gold-lamp-by-ingo-schuppler





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